Nicks Forte Scratch Build - to Stunning Mk1 GTD


With just a week to go with my car at Classic Car Restorations UK, just identifying the small jobs that can be done without major hiccups. Door lock mechanisms from Southern GT now duly fitted. Throttle cable next on the list to be followed by the windscreen wiper motor and air horns. Then re-fit the A/C components. That should leave around 3 days for any nice to haves before she is back in my newly refurbed garage for what we hope will be the last leg of the build.


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Hi everyone, well, that 8 weeks flew past. My car is now siting awaiting Mondays short trip back to my newly refurbished garage. Many a good job now duly ticked of the seemingly endless list. Well chuffed at the top quality work provided by the newly formed Classic Car Restorations at what I consider to be a very fair price. (as I knew the founder who is also doing a 40, we negotiated a deal allowing mine to be the anchor project allowing a new business to start in these very difficult times). Looks like its paid dividends as their order book has exceeded expectations.

Once the car is back its a case of getting my Southern GT supplied wiring loom in and splicing its all together with my modern push button steering wheel electronics and the Holley EFI system.

From then on the jobs remaining can probably be measured in hours as opposed to days or weeks each.

Have scheduled mid November for my first go at starting my self built old 302. ;-)


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Hi everyone, well, that 8 weeks flew past. My car is now siting awaiting Mondays short trip back to my newly refurbished garage. Many a good job now duly ticked of the seemingly endless list. Well chuffed at the top quality work provided by the newly formed Classic Car Restorations at what I consider to be a very fair price. (as I knew the founder who is also doing a 40, we negotiated a deal allowing mine to be the anchor project allowing a new business to start in these very difficult times). Looks like its paid dividends as their order book has exceeded expectations.

Once the car is back its a case of getting my Southern GT supplied wiring loom in and splicing its all together with my modern push button steering wheel electronics and the Holley EFI system.

From then on the jobs remaining can probably be measured in hours as opposed to days or weeks each.

Have scheduled mid November for my first go at starting my self built old 302. ;-)

Hi Nick

Again, many thanks for the opportunity to work on your '40, and for helping to give me the best possible start to my new venture.

It's been an absolute pleasure mate, and I can't wait for a spin in her!


Pleased to say that my car has now safely returned from its 8 weeks at boot camp being suitably progressed. I've now opened the box containing my SGT wiring loom (which I purchased in late 2015) along with the wiring diagrams etc. Looks like I've got a sizeable job on my hands for the next 2 weeks to get all that installed correctly. Going to take a sanity check an pop over to see Paul's SGT on Sunday to to see his loom installation and see what lessons I can learn.


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Nick i found my loom not to be of all that great a quality I think the chap doing Micks stuff was about to stop and was uning up any old wire, some colours did not match the spec sheet, it went in ok and I got it all working but does need a bit of jiggery pokery, I started with the dash section and cable tied that roughly, the hardest to position was the fuse box I know Paul moved that once form an original location and my location is not great but I was a victim of not dry laying it out first and matching to the dash location!!
Add to mine the ECU loom which is a bit of a bugger (very well made by the new chap but some non standard plugs and sockets compared to the SGT Loom) and I had a right old job on my hands, it all works just got ot see if the engine starts now!!


Nick i found my loom not to be of all that great a quality I think the chap doing Micks stuff was about to stop and was uning up any old wire, some colours did not match the spec sheet, it went in ok and I got it all working but does need a bit of jiggery pokery, I started with the dash section and cable tied that roughly, the hardest to position was the fuse box I know Paul moved that once form an original location and my location is not great but I was a victim of not dry laying it out first and matching to the dash location!!
Add to mine the ECU loom which is a bit of a bugger (very well made by the new chap but some non standard plugs and sockets compared to the SGT Loom) and I had a right old job on my hands, it all works just got ot see if the engine starts now!!
Shaun, Yep, that's what I had heard. Am hoping for the best but planning for the worst. Unfortunately, that seems to be the name of the game with so much of this industry. I also have a Holley ECU loom to splice in plus the electronics for my wireless steering wheel which provides for much of the normal dash push button stuff. I've not much hair left already so this will probably finish me off !


Due to work issues, I actually got around now to xmas of free time to either do nothing or get my car finally ready for the dreaded UK IVA test. I reckon with almost 10 weeks on my hands, I can finish the car so that's the plan.

So, after quite a few hours on my recently returned car, I'm hoping to be re-visiting or visiting these new jobs for the first or last time. Managed to get my 01x gearbox back on without too many issues (main one being I couldn't be arsed to re-assemble the engine crane so slung a rope under it and up and over my shoulders and simply man handled it back in situ, then a quick push and the centre shaft located and it all fell into place. The evening aches and pains were duly addressed with a nice Jacuzzi accompanied with copious amounts of beer).

Today, prized in the universal heater and AC system which was a bitch given the cramped space and the minimum bend radius on some of the pipes and services. The sheer confined nature of the front section and the extreme inaccessibility of most of the services meant every union etc. was double checked before the system went in as when the fluids and gasses go in, I'll be dammed if I'm ripping it all out again to deal with a simple oversight !

Tomorrow, double check the hydraulic brake and clutch unions and duly bleed and test.


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Its been awhile since my last post (garage has not been that warm recently ;-) but a little progress has been made. The Dashboard is now virtually complete and I have sorted most of the loom / fuses / relays etc. etc. Plan being to get the dash wired before mid December along with the main starter cabling which runs front to back (this is already run to the starter but has yet to be run the the battery which is mounted at the front). Then I have to splice the control unit supporting the wireless steering wheel to the standard loom and that's probably easier said than done.


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Thought I'd get a head start and begin the prep Friday afternoon. Looks like its going to be along weekend ;-(


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A little more progress on my Forte. Have loosely installed the front to back section of the loom which also connects the font located battery to the starter motor. This is running along with the gear shift cables on the drivers side (UK). In addition, with the front of the car completely re-paneled by Classic Car restorations, it was time to pop the Rad and main coolant plumbing back in and set about tidying the front end back up again as in reality, there is not to much left at that end to sort out. Good to have my enthusiasm for the car back again as we run in towards xmas.


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Chuffed to bits Today. My GT Forte build has featured in an article within the GT40 Enthusiasts club publication, courtesy of Classic Car Restorations who were carrying out some needed work. Nice to see her across a 3 page spread

Now to get the bloody thing finished !


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Hi to everyone who follows my build thread and happy New Year. The best wishes from my Wife and I as we look to finally complete the Forte build this year and present her for the dreaded UK IVA test. Hopefully during the 3rd quarter of 2021.

Going to pick up where I left it all just prior to xmas eve, finish the dash ;-)

To all the other builders and followers, best to you all.


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It took a little longer than anticipated but the dashboard is now wired and tested as best as can be done off the car. Now just a case of tidying up the wiring a little and popping loosely into the car to test. ;-)

I had a very specific idea ref the type of switches and look and feel I wanted in combination with the wireless steering wheel which led to some issues given my switches are simple on off, no multi position. Hence, I have had to add additional relays to allow me to keep it that way.

Video link made prior to completion:-



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Its been a few weeks since my last post and I've made quite a few decisions in relation to the car spec in that time. I've decided to simplify things a little so have ditched the idea of running EFI with the 8 stack system that has sat atop the engine form the last couple of years and the associated agro of getting the ECU system all sorted.

Has also allowed me to simplify the fuel layout by ditching the High Pressure system and the associated swirl pot and return to tanks and re plum with a low pressure system.

A real case of out the new and in with the old in this case as I have instead gone for a more original Carb solution which should allow me to progress to the engine start in a much shorter time frame.

Pics showing the original EFI 8 stack and its replacement which is now sitting pretty.

On the aesthetics front, the classic carb looks more appealing to the eye me thinks ;-)

Hopefully now looking at a first engine start up attempt around mid - late March if all goes to plan. (something I definitely intend to video and post come what may).


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Kevin Box

It took a little longer than anticipated but the dashboard is now wired and tested as best as can be done off the car. Now just a case of tidying up the wiring a little and popping loosely into the car to test. ;-)

I had a very specific idea ref the type of switches and look and feel I wanted in combination with the wireless steering wheel which led to some issues given my switches are simple on off, no multi position. Hence, I have had to add additional relays to allow me to keep it that way.

Video link made prior to completion:-

All looking good Nick
I'm curious how you got the push button systems to work
are the switches push on / push off or is there some logic behind the dash??

Kevin Box


Hi Kevin, all the switches are simple on/off or in the case of the engine start and brake test, just momentary. It only required a couple of extra relays to provide the logic where needed so to speak.