RCR40 Front Brake/Cooling Ducts

Has anyone got a good suggestion and possibly photos on how to modify the two front ducts to keep air out of the area where the headlight is fitted? I would like to modify the fiberglass in that area to push the air away from the light cavity keeping it clean.


Any photos etc would be appreciated. I gather this is how the originals are, a divider panel of fibreglass. This has probably already been listed etc but I cannot find it.


You might check Tom's build blog (EGLITOM). If memory serves me he modified the ducting to accomplish the same goal.
Thanks for the replies. Can you email me or post some images of what you did? It looks like you push the air to the "clip cavity". Its a little hard to see on the photos.

Also yes I did get the long grip Dzus I ordered, thanks.

I don´t have other pics available right now. I did in two steps.

1st.: closing the front opining fully to direct the air 100% inot the frontlight compartment , this was already done by many others before me ( check Robs and deans build log)
2nd.: I have built a closed channel inside the frontlight compartment from the front brake cooling opening all the way to the rear wall of the frontlight compartment. All you need to do is building one topwall and one sidewall for this channel. THe two other sides are built by the already available side and bottom panel of the frontlight compartment. Last step was to cut in a hole where the air exhausts into the adapter which than should be located on the front frame ( take a look at pictures of original mkII ´s). I think it is clearly visible on the pics in my build log. It is a bit of a challenge to laminate the top wall of the channel all the way down to the clip opening. I mad the mould out of a 1,2 mm PP foil which taped from the inside into the front clip. I than laminated with preimpregnated glassfiber on the outside of it ( using a long shaft brush makes it easier ) . After hardening i destroyed the inner pp-foil and took it out.



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In the April 14th posting you can see what I did. If you don't want the air going into that part of the body, you can simply make your modification going the other way, and send the air into the radiator area.
Thanks for the help guys, I hope to tackle this on the weekend. Just one question. My front clip is lined up with the wheels and chassis perfectly but I notice that the radiator and air ducts appear to be offset to the LHS of the body. Is this one of those GT40 original body idiosyncrasies or is something stuffed up on my alignments. Just looks a little off from the front as the radiator is not perfectly centered in the opening. Not a big one just want to see if anyone else has observed this.
Thanks for the suggestion, checked, it is. Front alloy plates are aligned as the lower plate really sets the radiator position, not the sides, and that cannot move. Interested to hear if I'm on my own with this observation.


How much offset? If it is only a quarter to three eights inch, would not be concerned. Mine is slightly off by about that amount, but the vertical bar separating the main radiator opening and the brake ducts conceals the issue. No one has ever noticed.
Thanks for the reply. Mine would be more than that. I will take some photos and measurements this weekend. If I try to kick it over to the RHS of the car I get warping of the clip, different front wheel overhangs and misalignment at the rockers/doors.