Does anyone legitimate seriously doubt it anymore?

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

If those scientists got their funding by proving there was no climate change - what do you think their results would show?

It's all about funding their lifestyles so they can travel around the globe to "collect" their data. Governments / departments etc are funding the researchers to prove climate change - that way they can increase taxation and levies because the scientists say this is happening

It's the American way ------ FOLOW THE MONEY

Stop the funding and suddenly climate change would stop "happening" and it would just be natural swings in weather patterns


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter

Rational Zona 2.

The Danish scientists's studies on teh coorelation between cosmic rays and temperature increases are well done. They have also been critiqued heavily and they have holes. Certainly part of the rational debate. Certainly not definitive in any way as presented by that Freak Zone website you linked to to get the information.
Fiction, for at least some of the claims of "altered data."

Climate change scientists accused of altering data cleared | Mail Online

Come back to Rational Island Bob! Few people left here, and the weather's great! A bit toasty, but great!

So the hockey stick is back in vogue again. Your rogues gallery of politically motivated warmers are sticking together, as well they need to. Using the Mail Online as a source is a nice touch, Jeff! LOL. No names, "only investigating a few" emails, and don't forget, this is on Climategate I, and they'll never get to Climategate II. Too many inconvenient truths.
Jeff makes sense to a degree, in the way he 'zones' the various arena of 'debate'. There is far too much extremism of views and this includes myself. However, Jeff, you fall into the trap almost immediately, of pointing a finger at an opposing poster here, and labelling them 'members of a freak zone. Not exactly language to encourage a rational response!

For me, I will remain extremely suspect of the pro man-made global warming camp, as long as we continue to be taxed evermore increasingly as if the man-made camp are right.

May I remind us all of a comment buried in here somewhere, where a so-called scientist stated that the Sun has no effect on the Earth's climate! really, do we need to hear anymore of that rubbish? Honestly?

It is about time we left the back-room boys to get on with their thing and only report to us mere mortals, when they actually KNOW something! Then tax my to the hilt when you have proven beyond reasonable doubt, that we need the taxes raised to fund new ways to prevent what you have proven to be causing the problems. DONT TAX me just to allow you to fly around the world attending seminars in tropical havens, whilst getting a rub-down from a flaxen-haired maiden over a dachary.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Mark = Rational Zone 2.

However, when Ian starts off with this being a vast conspiracy by scientists to dupe us due to sources of funding, an Bob starts with his Bob stuff, well, Zona 1, sorry.
It must be nice having the luxury of dismissively compartmentalizing those you disagree with. Its been a liberal tactic for a very long time now. Just file it under "Rush Follower," "Fox News Zombie," etc. and move on to the next prevarication.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
How do you have a conversation with someone who believes that all the world's governments and all the worlds leading science agencies, organizations and bureaus are in on a vast conspiracy to dupe us about global warming?

Answer: you can't.
How do you represent your side of a debate at all the leading universities when they tell you the "debate is over?" Science never used to be over.
How do you have a conversation with someone who believes that all the world's governments and all the worlds leading science agencies, organizations and bureaus are in on a vast conspiracy to dupe us about global warming?

Answer: you can't.

Jeff, please don't answer your own question. That is very poor form Sir!

And, given the evidence, it isn't too much of a leap, to suspect that in fact, they are all in league. Without their cross-border/cross-party agreement, their argument is unsustainable! No population of one westernised country would wear the taxes imposed by their governments on GW, if the other similarly industrialised countries did not tax in the same way.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Jeff, please don't answer your own question. That is very poor form Sir!

And, given the evidence, it isn't too much of a leap, to suspect that in fact, they are all in league.

I have to respectfully disagree, Mark.

Do you really believe that ALL the scientists and environmental specialists in the world are in cahoots?

I have a saying I use from time to time to describe it when I have that sort of philosophy..."It's NOT paranoia if they REALLY ARE out to get you".

..."they" being the operative term, here.

It's hard to imagine that the entire field, many of whom are at each other's throats over causes and effects of the climate changes we're all experiencing, would band together to dupe us into paying for conferences and Mai Tai's on some peaceful, idyllic tropical island.

You're a smart guy, can't really believe that. makes for interesting entertainment for those of us who are following :lurker: this thread :drunk:



Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
So, who actually runs the world:

1. The Greys from Zeta Reticuli?
2. The Repitilians from Serpico?
3. The Elders of Zion?
4. Elvis?