Does anyone legitimate seriously doubt it anymore?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Can the "My momma says I'm smart" bumper sticker be far behind?


Just because you asked for it, Bob (not an indictment of Mark):


I prefer to think of this as a discussion, not an argument.

So, who actually runs the world:

1. The Greys from Zeta Reticuli?
2. The Repitilians from Serpico?
3. The Elders of Zion?
4. Elvis?

It is definitely Elvis, Jeff. I saw him with Marilyn Monroe, his Secretary of State, at the Houston Museum of Natural Science on Tuesday night, it was a delightful hour of Led Zep music set to a laser show in the Burke Baker Planetarium. All that was missing was the patchouli incense...and that incredible red dress :laugh:


Well put Doug!

I'm not a "climatologist", but I have real high-level research and academic experience, have been funded by the National Institutes of Health and other foundations for my research in Neuroendocrinology, have published in peer reviewed journals in my research specialty, have served as an ad hoc reviewer for research grants, have presented at international meetings. Twenty eight post graduate years of training! BS,MS, MD,PhD. I know how science works.

There is no conspiracy among scientists. There may be a consensus, but by definition, that is a "majority" opinion. Most scientist thrive on debate, on testing the "null hypothesis". When a "hole" in a scientific theory is found, it is tested independently often by more than one group, proven or dis-proven. Some holes are "plugged", some theories become scientific fact.

I've never been to a scientific meeting solely to drink Mai Tais on the beach. They are usually agonizingly prolonged during the day, spent in darkened meeting rooms (the object of course, is to brainwash us into thinking alike to promote the government's agenda :laugh:). I do admit to a few drinks after the sessions are done for the day......I got partially reimbursed for travel expenses. Yes, I chose pleasant venues....why not?

Now, if you want to debate the scientific merits of climatological research....there are always openings in graduate schools. Perhaps you will then be able to appreciate the research efforts of both camps to gain an understanding of how our climate works.....

Caveat: Did I already say, I'm not a climatologist......
Hi Doc and welcome to the 'debate' :thumbsup:

As you avid readers will undoubtedly have noticed, I am prone to generalising on occasion. I know I shouldn't, even I can admit to be human and therefore have the capabilitiy to talk like a twit at times!

The generalisation I made about Dacharies and flaxen-haired maidens, may offend a more learned sole who has devoted much of his life to the noble pursuit of widening the knowledge of mankind.

However, I firmly defend the right to express my views on how the powers that rule us, choose to rule us. And no Bob, I am not going to get all Marxists on you ;) But, the fact is that we members of the voting populace (there, I avoided saying "we the people"), are often shocked to see members of government, or their supported lobbyist or scientific groups, flying first-class around the globe, endlessly telling us one thing one day and something completely different the next. All at our considerable expense.

I believe that scientists should and do debate theory. Our understanding of the cosmos at any given moment, is simply the best theory at the time. I am led to understand that most cosmic theories are still theories, not facts.

As Man-Made Global Warming is just a theory, and clearly not accepted at this time, as fact, I have a truly difficult time accepting the levels of tax currently applied to, 'we the people' (oh damn, there it is!), as if the theory is proven to be fact. That is my main point of objection. Perhaps Scientists do not get rub-downs at their conferences? Perhaps they do? That point is made by me, albeit in a very poor, but openly sarcastic way to illustrate my frustration. I accept that more learned people than I, would easily baulk at such a remark and jump to defend against the inference.

If I must accept the taxes both present and planned, that are being hoisted on me to improve our planet, then I demand that those taxes are used to do exactly that. Not spent flying John Prescott, or any other political leech around the world eating pies and sipping Dom through a gold-plated straw. (again I exaggerate for comic effect!)
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Doc, quick, check and see if you have an IPCC approved gelatinous lump on your back controlling your earthly actions!
Jeff, do you really believe that no-one does meet in back-rooms and figure this sh!t out? Energy companies don't buy favour from politicians to arrive at ever more ingenious ways to get the public to fund the rebuilding of their infrastuctures? You guys sound intelligent enough to be less dismissive of the idea!

It isn't an x-filian consipracy I suggest Jeff. What I am suggesting is that it isn't too different to commercial price-fixing in markets. That we must surely all agree, does happen? It's the same thing in principal isn't it?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Thanks for that clarification Doug. I was about to run off crying! ;)

Yeah...LB loves that bumper sticker....:idea:

Sadly, I fear he has it confused with one of my mum's favorite sayings: "No man is totally worthless, they can always serve as a bad example".



Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Jeff, do you really believe that no-one does meet in back-rooms and figure this sh!t out? Energy companies don't buy favour from politicians to arrive at ever more ingenious ways to get the public to fund the rebuilding of their infrastuctures? You guys sound intelligent enough to be less dismissive of the idea!

It isn't an x-filian consipracy I suggest Jeff. What I am suggesting is that it isn't too different to commercial price-fixing in markets. That we must surely all agree, does happen? It's the same thing in principal isn't it?

After practicing in private practice for 18 years, with my two largest clients energy companies (one being one of the 2-3 largest in the world), one of them (the biggest one) hired me to handle large scale transmission projects and disputes/litigation in North America.

Price fixing does go one. But I can tell you this. Anytime it goes beyond a few people it gets caught, and punished, quickly. Same with payoffs and other chicanery to win contracts.

So does it happen? Yes. Is it possible for there to be a conspiracy the size and scope of what you guys suggest? Absolutely not.

Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is almost always the correct one. Here, that explanation is this. There is a lively debate between scientists over whether the Earth is warming (almost all believe it is), what is causing it (a majority think it is humans) and whether it will have negative impacts on modern human culture (almost all think yes), and then what if anything we can do about it (lots of division here). Settled? Nope. Lively, yes.

Contrast that with the vast energy company/government/first world/third world/scientists conspiracy to dupe us all and I think you can see what I'm talking about.
But Jeff, respectfully, you have side stepped the point I have made about taxation for reasons of Climate Change.

Whilst you have worked to represent large energy conpanies, I have been involved in ten year's of litigation against one of the worlds largest energy companies. Whilst I do not profess to to be a male Erin Brockovich, I most certainly and vehemently insist, that I do indeed know what goes on!

The general public however, do not. Period!
I have to respectfully disagree, Mark.

Do you really believe that ALL the scientists and environmental specialists in the world are in cahoots?

I have a saying I use from time to time to describe it when I have that sort of philosophy..."It's NOT paranoia if they REALLY ARE out to get you".



Doug, can you run that by me again please, because I don't understand your point. I could be reading it incorrectly, but it appears there could be a contradiction in there? Sorry if I am being simple :worried:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Al gore, who is IMO more responsible for bringing global warming theory out of the scientific back room into the forefront of popular thinking is a very good politician and business man..Not a scientist.

My point is when an inconvenient truth was released it made global warming a fact in the average persons mindset and Goverments saw an opportunity to jump on the popular band wagon of saving the planet and proceeded to do so by taxing us.
A good tax? Helping to fight global warming.....give that man a Nobel prize!
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
He invented the internet, didn't he (pardon me for a few seconds while I pry my tongue loose from my cheek, please)?

...or, at least, that's the word on the street among all all the conspiracy theorists :stunned:

Cheers, Pete!


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Doug, can you run that by me again please, because I don't understand your point. I could be reading it incorrectly, but it appears there could be a contradiction in there? Sorry if I am being simple :worried:

One of the things I observed in my 32 years in a field very closely aligned with psychology is that people who display paranoid tendencies have a tendency (brought to you by your :thumbsup: Department of Reduncancy Department :thumbsup:) to believe that everyone is after them, and in many cases particularly those who are trying to help them.

Ergo...the saying "It's not Paranoia if "they" really are out to get you", the "they" referring to the entire set of .......(fill in the blank with your choice..climatologists, politicians, law enforcement individuals, etc) rather than realizing that that set of individuals has proponents as well as opponents of the issue being this case, the entire group of climatologists (and, no doubt, the politicians who seem to be taxing you) are conspiring to get you to pay for lavish conferences/projects supported by taxes, when in actuality that set of individuals is in all likelihood embroiled in a very vivid controversy regarding the issue at hand, as well described by Doc.

Confusing, I know....probably better I just :lipsrsealed:


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So, who actually runs the world:

1. The Greys from Zeta Reticuli?
2. The Repitilians from Serpico?
3. The Elders of Zion?
4. Elvis?

I really don't know, but the people with HUGE wealth (Rothchilds & Rockefellers) would be a place to start.


OK credentials so I can join in.

Kicked out of school at 15
No diplomas qualifications or degrees
Didn't drink beer or alcohol until I was 18
Didn't see a woman naked until I was 21 and then married her
No idea what I'm taking about most of the time
No idea what anyone else is talking about most of the time
Can't remember the '60's so I assume I was there
People like ME rule the world.

So, credentials having been established, here is my take on climate change/warming etc:

As God is my witness, I do hate smug people!
"And never the twain shall meet."

OK credentials so I can join in.

Kicked out of school at 15
No diplomas qualifications or degrees
Didn't drink beer or alcohol until I was 18
Didn't see a woman naked until I was 21 and then married her
No idea what I'm taking about most of the time
No idea what anyone else is talking about most of the time
Can't remember the '60's so I assume I was there
People like ME rule the world.

So, credentials having been established, here is my take on climate change/warming etc:

As God is my witness, I do hate smug people!
OK credentials so I can join in.

Kicked out of school at 15
No diplomas qualifications or degrees
Didn't drink beer or alcohol until I was 18
Didn't see a woman naked until I was 21 and then married her
No idea what I'm taking about most of the time
No idea what anyone else is talking about most of the time
Can't remember the '60's so I assume I was there
People like ME rule the world.

So, credentials having been established, here is my take on climate change/warming etc:

As God is my witness, I do hate smug people!

The first female sounds familiar, we were both 18, first time for me, in a wet spot somewhere between her knees and the leg tops, like a squid on a beachball. Was lucky enough to avoid marriage, but she followed me around like a puppy for a couple of weeks. Early 1960's probably explains that.