Paddock Politics Thread

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Looks like we will pay for "the wall" if President Trump has his way...his plan is to put a 20% tariff on products from Mexico.
How does that make Mexico pay?
The end buyer in America pays the tariff, not Mexico.
I'm a bit surprised...thought President Trump is, as he so often claims, smart. Does he think the American public can't see through this?
What I think will happen is a boycot of products from Mexico...not a bad plan, perhaps...I try to buy American products as often as I have the option. That might be a bright spot in this "Build that wall!" black cloud.

No cheers for this hare-brained scheme!



Yes, you and I will pay for it! But the CIC (Cheeto In Charge) tells us "Mexico will pay" so it MUST be so. Besides, he has bigger fish to fry, like how to prove his crowd was bigger than BHO's. The hope was that he would select top people to actually run the best for education is Betsy Devos? Hey! Donate 8.5 million and you too can run a cabinet department!

This would be funny if it really were not close to true: The Postillon: Trump’s first bowel movement in White House twice the size of Obama’s, Press Secretary reports

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Yes...I do believe we've gotten ourselves into "...another fine mess".

It's a bit long at 2 minutes...but classic Oliver and Hardy (including one instance of "female abuse" that shows what those women Trump groped should have done to him).

Gotta laugh...too late to cry!


The US tax payers would foot the bill of building the $15 billion wall and then the US consumer would pay the tariff on Mexico since the price of goods and services from Mexico would increase. Double taxation. Unbelievable. :furious:

Mexico is the world's largest producer avocados. So my avocado/guacamole purchases will be paying for the a wall that can be tunneled under and/or climbed over. :thumbsup:
I continue to hope Trump is successful...but so far he seems to have shot himself in the foot at almost every turn. Hoping against hope, here!


Personally, I hope he goes down in flames, metaphorically speaking. I just hope he doesn't take the rest of us with him. :laugh:
I thought this news was funny from yesterday:

Trump’s new proposal isn’t going over well with lawmakers in Washington, D.C. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tweeted, “Simply put, any policy proposal which drives up costs of Corona, tequila or margaritas is a big-time bad idea. Mucho Sad.”
"The point to remember is that what the government gives, it must first take away".
John Strider Coleman, 1897-1958

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
"The point to remember is that what the government gives, it must first take away".
John Strider Coleman, 1897-1958 this case, Jack, the government takes away from the citizens of United States by virtue of a 20% tariff and then gives it to the Mexican government?

That doesn't sound right...after the tariff is "collected" from U.S. citizens by virtue of a 20% premium placed on Mexican products, who does the government give that $$ to?

Confusing...we need to devise a way to take the $$ away from the Mexican government. If Trump is as smart as he says he is, he can figure out how to do that; if not, well, we Americans just got hoodwinked :furious:

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

The Declaration of Independence this case, Jack, the government takes away from the citizens of United States by virtue of a 20% tariff and then gives it to the Mexican government?

That doesn't sound right...after the tariff is "collected" from U.S. citizens by virtue of a 20% premium placed on Mexican products, who does the government give that $$ to?

Confusing...we need to devise a way to take the $$ away from the Mexican government. If Trump is as smart as he says he is, he can figure out how to do that; if not, well, we Americans just got hoodwinked :furious:


It's an insignificant quote from an insignificant person, and means absolutely nothing.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

The Declaration of Independence

I like anything that comes from a government document that starts with "When in the course of human events..."

What would it take to call a "recall" election?

Probably not possible...we're stuck with him for 4 years, maybe more.

Oh, my......:stunned:


Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I like anything that comes from a government document that starts with "When in the course of human events..."

What would it take to call a "recall" election?

Probably not possible...we're stuck with him for 4 years, maybe more.

Oh, my......:stunned:


Well the American people elected him Doug, maybe it's time to accept that fact and move on. Certainly the markets don't have the same opinion as you.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
The ELECTORAL COLLEGE elected Trump.

I HAVE accepted that fact, but it doesn't mean that he won, he was just chosen by the most outdated and antiquated election system I could imagine, developed well over 200 years ago.
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California elected Hillary, and isn't the electoral college set up so each state gets equal representation.

That would be incorrect.

Clinton 65,845,000 votes.
Trump 62,980,000 votes.

We'll just have to resign ourselves to being part of "The Resistance."
And was the electoral college a surprise to you? At some point you need to accept this and stop electoral college whining.

No, Pete. The American people voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, the margin is now approaching 3 million votes more for her.

The ELECTORAL COLLEGE elected Trump.

I HAVE accepted that fact, but it doesn't mean that he won, he was just chosen by the most outdated and antiquated election system I could imagine, developed well over 200 years ago.

I see the markets, Pete...and they definitely have risen. I predict it will be temporary and that they'll fall again, once we've had the chance to find out more about Trump's leadership (???) style, and specially his business entanglements. He didn't engage in the type of pre-election disclosures we here in the U.S. are use to and so we don't really know much more about him than we see on TV, and IMHO that's not been too complimentary...have you seen the demonstrations on TV?

We're in for a rough ride, Pete, and I don't mean just the U.S. A lot of the overseas countries count on the U.S. dollars; we don't know how Trump is going to deal with that. He leaves a very "isolationist" impression.

I'm not so much anti-Trump as I am pro-America, and he doesn't leave a pleasant impression with his bravado and bombastic, braggadocios demeanor. If he's going to claim to be so smart, I haven't seen it yet...but I am truly hopeful, because it's right...if he fails, we all fail, and that is an eventuality I don't want!!

Cheers, Pete!

Certainly the markets don't have the same opinion as you.

That's another crock of S.

The S&P 500 is up 6% since the election, so besides the jobs report, the holiday season and the last 8 years of Obama/Fed/etc. repairing the economy after the recession, we're giving Trump 100% of the credit for the 6% increase? Come on. There's absolutely no way to quantify what portion is attributable to Trump. The S&P 500 might have been up 10% if Clinton was elected, we'll never know.

We do know that Trump being elected has moved the "Doomsday Clock" a few ticks closer to imminent disaster. :laugh:

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
And was the electoral college a surprise to you? At some point you need to accept this and stop electoral college whining.

Thought I did, exactly those words:

The ELECTORAL COLLEGE elected Trump.

I HAVE accepted that fact, but it doesn't mean that he won, he was just chosen by the most outdated and antiquated election system I could imagine, developed well over 200 years ago.

As for a, it was more than surprising, it was stunning in light of the huge disparity between the popular vote and the electoral college decision.

We now have the technology to function like a true democracy (yeah...I've been reminded we are a Republic...doesn't make it right in this day and age when we don't need to function like a Republic needed to back when the EC was developed).

Stop whining, though? Not yet, but I will when Trump stops giving me reasons to whine. The right certainly whined about the prior POTUS for 8 years, no reason the center and the left can't whine about the current POTUS for 4 (heaven help us if we re-elect him for 4 more).

Truth be told, though...I'd much rather he stop giving us reason to whine. (yeah...I know...good luck on that one, right?)


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