Paddock Politics Thread

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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Well I just googled the earnings and pension of the president and, in comparison to Captains of industry, it's quite miserly. If, who ever wins, claims every penny they can, its about $570,000 followed by a pension of just over one third at $200,000.
So - If its not for the money - what is it for? Why are each of them denigrating themselves and making this the most acid and verbal shit throwing exercise ever conducted in the history of the U.S.A. ?
I guesss Trump, and maybe Clinton as well can donate 100% of the income
from the White House to a charity chosen by the U.N.

PS Did you know they (the Clintons) have a bungalow in Santa Monica located by the pool in the Hotel at the junction of P.C.H. and Wilshire Bvd. (the Miramar) She used to take coffee in the bar in the hotel about 11:00 each morning when she stayed there. I thought I'd share that with you as it was our hotel when night stopping LAX.

Quite amazing really - the things you learn in the Paddock!!

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
David, you're right, they'll never get rich on their "retirement benefit"...but the BIG apple is the speaking fees that prior Presidents can demand.

Obviously, H.C. has a head start on that, having cashed in on her years as Secretary of State to justify the exorbitant fees she gets for delivering speeches.

There ARE retirement benefits that are not included in that yearly "pension" figure...for example, all prior POTUS receive full time security protection at no cost for the rest of their lives...just part of the benefits that we Americans pay for in exchange for having sacrificed in the process of them having served as POTUS.

Trump? Who knows...he's just egocentric enough to believe that he's destined to be POTUS and that's going to feed his ego...which is big enough that it must DEVOUR everything he throws at it and scream for more.

I wouldn't expect Trump to donate a penny...Clinton, maybe...she makes a big deal of having fought all her life for the poor and the underprivileged, perhaps she'll make that her legacy. Between her and Bill their combined pensions would near half-a-million USD, which will support a pretty luxurious lifestyle, particularly if there are other sources of income (like honorarium for speaking engagements).

Overall, though, I'd say the "exclusivity" is a big draw, too...they will be one of less than 50 over the independent lifetime of our country.



David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Thanks Doug,
Would anybody bother to go out and hear either of them?
Anyway, I'm fairly sure the C.I.A. or who ever does these sort of dastardly deeds in the U.S.A. will bump off whoever the winner of the election is AND THEN ............

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Thanks Doug,
Would anybody bother to go out and hear either of them?

These are paid speeches delivered at the request of various entities here in the U.S. If I had to guess (and that's all it would be) I would speculate that the main populations she would address would be those who have business dealings with the government of the USA. Having been employed in a huge bureaucracy for most of my life (education), I understand the advantage of hiring a Washington "insider" to speak to a group hoping to engage in more profitable enterprise with the just costs a huge $$$ figure. I'm embarrassed to hear about the fees she wonder, as stated by SuperTramp in "Breakfast in America":

"Could we have kippers for breakfast
Mummy dear, Mummy dear
They got to have 'em in Texas
Cos everyone's a millionaire..."

That must be the impression most foreigners have of America...a bunch of rich, unhappy millionaires...both candidates for POTUS are, isn't that the image we want to portray to the world?

NOT!!!!!!...but yet we have two candidates who are rich, unhappy millionaires.

...although I could eat kippered herring for breakfast EVERY day...if only the people I work with could tolerate the bad breath :shy:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
As an aside, the kippers from Whitby (a tiny fishing town on the north coast of Yorkshire)
are especially lightly smoked in a restaurant called the Magpie. Even my wife - a southerner through and through and almost anti anything from the north has been converted. Next I will venture further north and introduce the Arbroath Smokie.
They send their kippers by post as well, but I guess the rules of importing food into the USA would prevent that.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Well, on TV this morning from Vegas, Trump came across as a rambling idiot. All Clinton has to do is be alive on the day and it's hers for the taking.
OMG. What have you in the U.S.A. done?
Might be time to NOT VOTE en masse, that should give them a message that the general public is not happy and they need to lift their game. Worst case scenarios, your not going to be happy whoever wins so what have you got to lose?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
...the general public is not happy...

But, it was the "general public" who chose/elected both in the primaries, was it not? Therefore, it would appear 'tis they who need to "lift" their own game, wouldn't it?

If Billary is elected, I wonder what 'COMEY'-ized bastardization of the law 'the-powers-that-be' will come up with so that she can be granted the security clearance needed to be POTUS? Anyone else with Billary's sordid history regarding the handling of classified material would NEVER be granted any U.S. armed forces vet who's ever handled highly classified info will attest/confirm/stipulate.

As the Billary mess clearly demonstrates, there actually are two sets of laws/standards (perhaps more) applied in this country...if only in the sense that existing laws are enforced or not enforced and indictments are or are not handed down depending on the situation and who's in the cross hairs. The public is RIGHTLY 'P.O.ed' about that.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Neither candidate is a "good" choice and we have nobody but ourselves to blame for that.

…so any vote must be a vote for the lesser of two evils.

As for the email "scandal", I'm not sure that the majority of the general public is as worried about it as are the conservatives. Most of the "noise" seems to be coming from the politicians, I don't hear very many citizens who think HC should be incarcerated (only ONE, matter of fact, has ever said anything like "I can't believe HC isn't in prison now").

Bottom line…I don't think the general public is really worried about the email issue.


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I don't hear very many citizens who think HC should be incarcerated (only ONE, matter of fact, has ever said anything like "I can't believe HC isn't in prison now"). Bottom line…I don't think the general public is really worried about the email issue.

That's because the general public has no clue at all about all the laws she broke and all the lies she has told (under oath and otherwise) regarding that episode as well as other things. In fact, the G.P. is clueless in general. If you need proof of how clueless the public really is, I'd suggest you Google random non 'setup' 'man-on-the-street' video interviews and brace yourself. The general ignorance displayed/demonstrated should stagger you...unless they're quizzed on the Kardashians or some similar subject.

As I alluded to above, if any of US had done 1/10th of what Billary did w/regard to her handling of classified materials OR had ignored a subpoena and ordered emails covered by that subpoena to be destroyed - you can safely bet your butt WE would be in Leavenworth right now. Many 'nobodies' have been ordered to serve prison time for having done faaar less. That's just a flat-out fact.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
As much as I respect each and every one of you, I despair for you guys.
I cannot imagine if Clinton succeeds in this election, she will ever get re-elected. In fact I think she will be 'terminated, by hook or by crook, before the
four years are up. I could even see a revolution to turf her out of the White House. All of a sudden the problems in Syria, Brexit, Russian Fleet, Destitute individuals in your down town areas, will all seem insignificant
And if the other turkey wins, God forbid.
I'm still not sure you all realise how major this problem is . I don't think Putin
is going to worry about the U.S.A. - it's self destructing anyway.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Great thoughts, David!

I worry for Clinton…we even see street interviews where Trump supporters state emphatically that they believe HC SHOULD be assassinated and believe that is justified. I'd hate to see that happen because it would effectively "canonize" her and make her a hero, even though she does many things wrong. It was the same way with JFK…constant womanizing, blunders (remember the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco???), etc…yet there better not be anyone who says anything bad about him. If HC is assassinated I believe that will be her eventual position in history, too…a capable individual (whether she is or not) who should be revered for her efforts to bring harmony to America again.

There IS historical precedent for the opinion that bringing about change by violent means is acceptable…as evidenced by our own Declaration of Independence:

"In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

I'm certain that those who advocate HC's overthrow by whatever means necessary, such as assassination, are avid in their belief that assassination is justified by the language in our very own Declaration of Independence.

As Oliver and Hardy often said "Well, this is a fine mess you've gotten us into!"

Cheerless today…..

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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
That's because the general public has no clue at all about all the laws she broke and all the lies she has told (under oath and otherwise) regarding that episode as well as other things. In fact, the G.P. is clueless in general.
As I alluded to above, if any of US had done 1/10th of what Billary did w/regard to her handling of classified materials OR had ignored a subpoena and ordered emails covered by that subpoena to be destroyed - you can safely bet your butt WE would be in Leavenworth right now. Many 'nobodies' have been ordered to serve prison time for having done faaar less. That's just a flat-out fact.

I think that's where we disagree, Larry. I'm aware of what she did and in my HUMBLE opinion, it was a case of "No harm, no foul". I believe (and agree) it was not in accordance with established protocol, just don't see it as such a serious infraction that it justifies criminal charges, trial and imprisonment. I'm satisfied that the FBI did an adequate investigation and satisfied with the decision by the Attorney General's office that no prosecutor would find adequate cause to take the case to court.

Your opinion may (???)…no, definitely DOES differ…but we are mere citizens and not privy to the nature of the information that our most highly revered law enforcement agencies have. We can only speculate…as we are!

I'll say this, though…if you want a renegade leader who DOES do exactly as he pleases, whether or not it is legal or even in accordance with established policies or procedures, PLEASE elect Trump! It won't take long for his enormous ego to take control and he'll be a runaway train…he'll make the "transgressions" of which HC is accused pale in comparison to his actions. He's proven that time and time again, every time someone challenges him on an issue he ATTACKS…so, when Putin challenges him, he'll ATTACK…maybe with nuclear weapons?

Consider that one…it may well signal the end of the earth as we know it.

David is RIGHT, Larry…the USA may need to worry if HC is elected, but the entire world better worry if Trump is.

…and before you accuse me of being a soft, left-wing liberal, let me state emphatically that I don't like either one of them…end of story.

…but I do like the idea that I might be able to breathe the air in a decade or so, which means that HC is the lesser of two evils. We WILL elect one of them, that train has already left the station, it's just a question of which one of the train-wrecks will get the most votes.

Listen to David…he's got the best handle on this issue of anyone I've seen.

Cheers??? Not for either candidate!!!!


Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Long time Democrat here, but living in Arkansas for the last 30 or so years, all through the 80's and on, there were too many stories, or descriptions of situations from first-party observers, that provided strong and consistent signs that Hilary didn't think the rules applied to her if they become inconvenient, either morally or ethically. So my choice for president lies in a person I hugely disagree with, or one I don't trust as far as I can through her.

Looking for some kind of 3rd party candidate for which I can vote for, in which I won't have to lie in the gutter for the next two weeks in order to get my self respect back.

"The sky is falling" predictions if so-and-so wins, have been in every election now for as long as I can remember, and it has yet to descend on my head, so I think it's safe to assume the same will be true for the next four years as well

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I...just don't see it as such a serious infraction that it justifies criminal charges, trial and imprisonment. I'm satisfied that the FBI did an adequate investigation and satisfied with the decision by the Attorney General's office that no prosecutor would find adequate cause to take the case to court.

Your opinion may (???)…no, definitely DOES differ…but we are mere citizens and not privy to the nature of the information that our most highly revered law enforcement agencies have. We can only speculate…as we are!

I was one of those who had access to classified info in the service. Like everyone else about whom that can be said, I was required to take a class on the proper handling of said info...and trust me when I tell you, we were told r-e-p-e-a-t-e-d-l-y that if we caused classified info to be put at RISK in any way, shape or form under any circumstances - let alone caused it to actually be compromised - our butts would be grass and the gov't would be a lawnmower. AT ABSOLUTELY NO TIME were we told that, if the FBI couldn't "prove we had the INTENT" to do this or that, we would 'skate'. NEVER. QUITE THE CONTRARY.

Unless the statutes applicable to the handling of classified info have changed since the late 1960s, that's STILL the case. N-O-T-H-I-N-G in them mentions lack of "intent" as being a legit defense. NOTHING. Comey pulled the "can't prove intent" C-R-A-P out of thin air. And that's exactly what it is - 100% pure CRAP., when Putin challenges him, he'll ATTACK…maybe with nuclear weapons?

Consider that one…it may well signal the end of the earth as we know it.

In 1964, an anti-Goldwater campaign ad made much the same claim. Remember this?:

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I was one of those who had access to classified info in the service. Like everyone else about whom that can be said, I was required to take a class on the proper handling of said info...and trust me when I tell you, we were told r-e-p-e-a-t-e-d-l-y that if we caused classified info to be put at RISK in any way, shape or form under any circumstances - let alone caused it to actually be compromised - our butts would be grass and the gov't would be a lawnmower.

Unless the statutes applicable to the handling of classified info have changed since the late 1960s, that's STILL the case.

In 1964, an anti-Goldwater campaign ad made much the same claim. Remember this?:

Lots of things have changed since the 60's…and not just in civilian life, think about the nature of the changes the military has had to endure.

My father was instrumental in the establishment of NORAD…when all the other kids were allowed to go with their fathers to their military jobs for "Career Day", I was allowed to sit alone in a waiting room while he worked behind closed doors. My father never discussed his duties with us…and absolutely refused to talk about his war-time achievements in WWII, which were considerable…so I know a LITTLE about military secrecy first hand.

Speaking of things that have changed since the 60's, look at the proliferation of nuclear war capabilities. Now countries like North Korea are trying (and partially succeeding) in establishing their own nuclear arsenal, while the rest of the world is trying to decommission theirs. The threat STILL exists!

It is a bit of an irony, don't you think, that if HC wins she would become the Commander in Chief and would therefore be in charge of the very entity that in your opinion would have eviscerated her for her "transgressions" should she have been military, herself.

I always say "Life goes on and you find a way to be happy…it's a choice!" Let's hope David is wrong and the world doesn't go up in one fiery end because of our election. It will have worldwide implications!


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Might be time to NOT VOTE en masse, that should give them a message that the general public is not happy and they need to lift their game. Worst case scenarios, your not going to be happy whoever wins so what have you got to lose?

While I like your attitude, Jac, it is my opinion that if I don't vote then I have NO RIGHT to bitch, moan and complain when things don't go well. I want that right!

Having said that, though, in the past I have written in Pat Paulsen for POTUS…if you don't remember him, he was a political humorist (we do have a few of those these days, too) who was on the Smothers Brothers NBC TV show in the mid 1960s, and which was quickly cancelled because of its independent nature and politically oriented actions. Paulsen ran for President (which caused our election commission to declare that in the interest of fairness the network had to grant FREE equal time to Paulsen's "legitimate" opponents…and probably helped NBC make the decision to cancel the show) on the platform that he was "…funnier than either of the other two candidates".

He was…and he's gotten my vote at least twice when it didn't matter to me who won.

This time it matters!!!!

Cheers, Jac!

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