Paddock Politics Thread

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You guys just can't give it up can you? What purpose does it serve, I mean what?

Acting like YouTube retards.. :thumbsdown:
Is there any substance to this story that there is another candidate standing as an independent for POTUS, could be one of our own who at least exhibits some skills at moderation...


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Is there any substance to this story that there is another candidate standing as an independent for POTUS, could be one of our own who at least exhibits some skills at moderation...

You mean like Atilla the Hun? second thought he couldn't hold a candle to Trump's lack of self-moderation and temper tantrums.


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
You guys just go on and laugh at us...really, I mean it. We did it to ourselves and we have nobody else to blame for the fiasco that has ensued.

I've maintained that if Trump is elected we'll be the laughing stock of the world, and it won't be much better if HC is why wait until the election? Go ahead and get a head start, no need to wait for the results to begin having fun. I'm serious...we Americans deserve whatever ridicule we get from outside the U.S.A....we could have done SO much better, and SHOULD HAVE!!!!!

I'd say SHAME ON US, but I'd rather be laughed at than shamed.


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
It's much much worse than simply taking the piss. This is so serious the world
will suffer if either of these two buffoons get elected - the only hope you, and the rest of us in the greater world, is for one or the other of the candidates (the incumbant?) to be executed and the vice president takes over.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
As usual, David, you're right!

So...we did have at least one other viable of those hated "liberal" types who could exercise self-control and did very little in the way of mud-slinging, in fact I don't recall him engaging in that horrid act until after he had withdrawn from the race.

See what I mean? We had OTHER choices, but NOOOOOOOO, we couldn't see the forest for the trees and now we're STUCK in the middle of a no-win situation.

...and it looks, at least from recent developments, as if we might be stuck with our foot way up our A$$ for 8 years. We have a bad habit of re-electing our incumbent...except for Carter, who may have been somewhat ineffective, but was the most reputable of them all in recent memory.

We're just all FUBARed, no doubt about it.


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Rabbits in the headlights. Un bloody believable...

David's solution has merit. Assassination appears to be the only way out...


Me? i only give a fig for my grandchildren & unborn great grandchildren. Nothing i say or do will make an iota of difference but i till can't help being somewhat perplexed and perturbed about the entire process.

Would be a good time to invest in ammo futures methinks...

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Rant on.
However the next four years will be a good time to rethink the whole process on both sides of the Atlantic. The process of voting a prime minister over here and a president over there are both deeply flawed - for example we have a prime minister (in my opinion by default) that nobody voted for, a leader of the opposition that is unelectable. You in the U.S.A. have a two horse race that in all that could be described as common sense nobody wants and and outside world that seems to be getting angrier towards the pair of us every day. We have the most stupid idiots as members of parliament you could ever imagine and are robbing the system left, right, and centre whilst trying to take us to war around the world with only what could be described as less than adequate self defence forces.
Putin is beating his chest but for the moment I would ignore him - remember he only leads Russia now - not the Soviet Union BUT do you think our combined forces would really like to get involved with him while we don't seem to be able to sort out the Syrians in Aleppo?
Let's sort it out so we are never put in the cross hairs of the politicians and held to ransome again. Thats what has happened wether you agree or not. You have two hopeless useless candidates and are stuck unless another grassy knoll event takes place and we here in the UK have been held hostage by a parliamentary system that nobody thought iwould ever happen.
Fuck the European Union - nobody except the U.S.A, Canada, and Australia helped us out before,and if Putin starts a shenanigin, and gets as far as the West German Plain with his tanks, the whole of the E.U. will ow down before him.

Rant Over.
You are doomed.
We nearly are.

Lower case is used to show how much I really hate them.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Rant on.
However the next four years will be a good time to rethink the whole process on both sides of the Atlantic. The process of voting a prime minister over here and a president over there are both deeply flawed - for example we have a prime minister (in my opinion by default) that nobody voted for, a leader of the opposition that is unelectable. You in the U.S.A. have a two horse race that in all that could be described as common sense nobody wants and and outside world that seems to be getting angrier towards the pair of us every day. We have the most stupid idiots as members of parliament you could ever imagine and are robbing the system left, right, and centre whilst trying to take us to war around the world with only what could be described as less than adequate self defence forces.
Putin is beating his chest but for the moment I would ignore him - remember he only leads Russia now - not the Soviet Union BUT do you think our combined forces would really like to get involved with him while we don't seem to be able to sort out the Syrians in Aleppo?
Let's sort it out so we are never put in the cross hairs of the politicians and held to ransome again. Thats what has happened wether you agree or not. You have two hopeless useless candidates and are stuck unless another grassy knoll event takes place and we here in the UK have been held hostage by a parliamentary system that nobody thought iwould ever happen.
Fuck the European Union - nobody except the U.S.A, Canada, and Australia helped us out before,and if Putin starts a shenanigin, and gets as far as the West German Plain with his tanks, the whole of the E.U. will (bow) down before him.

For once we agree darned near 100%.


Lifetime Supporter
“It is a well-known fact that very often, putting the period of boyhood out of the argument, the older we grow the more cynical and hardened we become; indeed, many of us are only saved by timely death from moral petrification, if not from moral corruption.”
― H. Rider Haggard, She


If Clinton wins and I think she will, and creates her no fly zone over Syria,we risk nuclear war with Russia.

Pete, why do you think so? I can't see Putin doing something that risky over Syria. I also think whatever Hillary says now bears little resemblance to what she's going to do once in office.
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