Paddock Politics Thread

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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Serious question here

Jeff, Doug, others
When Trump gets in because the majority voted for him will you accept the decision and respect your President?

I will accept the decision of our citizens and will do everything I can do to support Trump if he will be difficult if he maintains his current practices and I'd be the first person to vote against him if he ran for re-election, but to act against the POTUS would be futile (gotta remember where the locus of control is!!!).

I am NOT a fan of the Electoral College was necessary back in our early colonial days because it was the only way to hold a general election, what with the only method of communication being written letters carried by Wells Fargo on their stages. Today, with the technology we have, I don't think we really NEED the electoral college process, we could easily hold our elections "nationwide" and just let the majority vote be the way to elect our POTUS. There's no NEED for us to do it any other way, other than the politicians and their pet "projects".



Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
No matter how much you slang each other off ,both here in the Paddock and elsehere in life, yoiu need another general election and need it as fast as possible without these two total airheads involved. It for all the rest of the world to see that four years of either of them brings forth multiple disasters and some that the world could not accept.
Here is the U.K. things seem to be going from bad to worse as well - especilly towards the leaving of the EU and therefore another election is called for in double quick time.
America, you have to do something and do it fast. Neither of these two fools can be allowed anywhere near the White House. PLEASE.

I wish our political system could be as "flexible" as yours, David. Sadly, we're tied to a 4-year term for POTUS and the US does not have votes of confidence, so we can't just call another election " double time quick" when our choice proves to be less desirable than expected. We have our history there...Nixon & Gee-Dub for starters, there are more (and in all fairness I'm sure the conservatives would want Obama to be included in that group).

As for what we can do, between the 4-year national elections for POTUS there are mid-term elections that involve the members of congress, both senators and representatives (each state gets the same number of senators...2...while the number of representatives each state gets is dependent on its population). If we are tired of the way things are going, mid-term elections can result in majority changes in our House of Representatives as well as in our Senate, and that happened during the "reign" of Gee-Dub...he ever so graciously said "...they gave us a thumpin'" when our population deprived the Republicans of majorities in our legislature...and again when Boehner and his partners in crime (that crime would be treason, IMHO) brought all legislative action to a halt during the initial term of Obama.

So, there IS something that can be done at the mid-term elections and that is about it...barring someone taking the situation into their own hands and I agree with your reservations about that!

So, Stan Laurel of the comedy team Laurel and Hardy said it: "Well, this is a fine mess you've gotten us into this time, Ollie!"

I fear we are in deep doo-doo...this is a fine mess we've gotten OURSELVES into!

Not much to cheer about!

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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Apparently your country should expect Al Qaida to commit some sort of attrocity
on Tuesday next.
The article also said for everyone to be aware and on their guard for anything vaguely suspicious. Look out for anything gentlemen and make sure you don't get involved.


Good advice David, and don't be handing in your guns just yet guys.. :shifty:

Mind you, in America looking 'vaguely suspicious' is a rite of passage! :laugh:


Lifetime Supporter
The only attrocity we might face would be Hilldog managing to steal the election
Appears all are loving the USA election, but on a serious matter, I just visited the Shelby museum in Boulder CO. Great !! And all for only $5. I've been to the Indy museum and the Henry Ford museum and this Boulder museum is terrific. Great collection of GT's, Cobras, Mustangs and even more interesting stuff. This is a truly impressive collection with the worlds best automotive achievements. And amazingly, the cars are all powered by Ford. Who would have thunk it !!

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
A Hypothesis:
If Trump lost his life pre election date, would HC be victorious or does it
become null and void and the whole thing starts again, or does his running mate take over in his place?
A reality:
I really don't think anyody is enjoying this debacle at all, and all right minded
non Americans ( I might be one) are so very concerned by these two idiots. So much so, that these last 24 hours are something I don't want to remember - the planet Earth is going to be a much much worse place to inhabit.

Somebody tell me I am having a bad dream.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Well, it's official...the FBI has finished it's review of the Wikileaks emails and says there is nothing therein to support charges against H.C.

Kudos to the FBI...regardless of how the investigation turned out, the voting public here in the US deserved to know BEFORE election day.

Now it's "Onward! Through the fog!" to tomorrow and FINALLY an end to this disastrous election cycle.



Lifetime Supporter
LMAO they reviewed 650,000 emails in 8 days? All clear nothing to see here move along now. The only thing that will be disastrous about this election cycle with be the open borders and TPP that Hilldog will put in place. Liberalism is a disease.
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I agree with the last three posts. This cycle has been "a disaster". Im not the biggest Trump fan but believe Hitlerry would be far worse. Yes, she ha experience in government. But it's bad experience. No, Trump doesn't know jack about the military or government in general, but he's an excellent businessman. Just another 48 or so hours left, and I either celebrate with a big fat American steak dinner and a watered down beer or I hang my head in shame, for the fact that the "sheople" elected a criminal into the White House.

You're right. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Liberalism is a disease.

IMHO any form of radicalism is a mental disorder, be it Islamic radicalism, Christian radicalism, radical feminism, radical conservatism or radical liberalism.

Our society is becoming more and more splintered by all this radicalism. We should all take a look deep inside ourselves to see what we can do to stop this tearing apart of our American system...regardless of which extreme you're on, it's still extremism and therefore abnormal.

We'll have to live with ourselves after tomorrow...a bit of soul searching would do our nation good.

IMHO any form of radicalism is a mental disorder, be it Islamic radicalism, Christian radicalism, radical feminism, radical conservatism or radical liberalism.

Our society is becoming more and more splintered by all this radicalism. We should all take a look deep inside ourselves to see what we can do to stop this tearing apart of our American system...regardless of which extreme you're on, it's still extremism and therefore abnormal.

We'll have to live with ourselves after tomorrow...a bit of soul searching would do our nation good.

As true as this is, we're talking about the average American. He/she doesn't give a damn about anything unless it's on YouTube, Facebook, twitter, or whatever. That's the real problem with America.
LMAO they reviewed 650,000 emails in 8 days? All clear nothing to see here move along now. The only thing that will be disastrous about this election cycle with be the open borders and TPP that Hilldog will put in place. Liberalism is a disease.

They weren't reviewing all of Huma Abedin's mail (on Weiner's computer), only those to or from Clinton. Very easy and fast to do by sorting, since there weren't very many of them.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
LMAO they reviewed 650,000 emails in 8 days? All clear nothing to see here move along now. The only thing that will be disastrous about this election cycle with be the open borders and TPP that Hilldog will put in place. Liberalism is a disease.

...and supreme court appointments. She'll stock the court with the thee most far left individuals she can find. I can see the Bill of Rights becoming the bill of privileges overnight - wouldn't surprise me if there weren't government FEEs attached to each. There won't be any gun law they find 'unconstitutional'. In fact, there won't be any law pushing any lib agenda that they won't 'rubber stamp'.

An aside regarding Billary's handling of classified info:

I handled classified materials in the Navy. Because of that, I was required to take classes on the safe handling/transmission/transportation/storage of same...therefore, I know the following to be FACT - unless the statutes/protocols governing the handling of classified info have been changed since the Viet Nam era...and I doubt they have with regard to the following: According to the applicable statutes/protocols, anyone who puts classified info at risk - regardless of whether he/she "intended" to do so or not - shall be in violation of said statutes/protocols whereupon his/her butt will be grass and Uncle Sam will be a lawnmower - period. 'Doesn't matter if it happens by accident, on purpose, for spite, for profit, out of carelessness, out of negligence or whatever the circumstances might be. One's "intent" or lack thereof doesn't matter. Lack of "intent" is NOT a valid defense...any more than "ignorance of the law" is a valid defense.

E.g.: Say an individual with classified material in his locked briefcase is having lunch in a restaurant. He goes to the men's room leaving said briefcase at the table. He has just carelessly (perhaps absent mindedly) put that classified material at risk, 'has violated security statutes/protocol and can be prosecuted for same. Compare that to what Billary did over and over and over and over again and then TRY to tell me she didn't intentionally break security laws.

One cannot "unintentionally" have an illegal, unauthorized, unsecure 'server' built and installed in one's private residence. One cannot "unintentionally" send/receive classified info over same. One cannot "unintentionally" order his/her underlings to scrub classified markings from documents before emailing them to him/her. One cannot "unintentionally" have his/her lawyers (who did not have proper security clearance) "review" his/her emails to determine whether they contained State Dept business or not! One cannot "unintentionally" order the destruction of 30K+ government emails - especially those under congressional subpoena. One cannot "unintentionally" have one's immigrant MAID (who also had no proper security clearance, BTW) routinely receive and print out classified info for him/her. Billary did ALL THOSE THINGS AND MORE. And yet FBI Director Comey claims/insists it cannot be proven she had criminal "INTENT" and therefore he couldn't recommend indictment?????

I'm sure U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier recognizes the obvious double standard in play there...or the double standard applied to former CIA Director Leon Panetta who unwittingly revealed the name of the SEAL unit that 'offed' Bin Laden as well as other classified info during a speech he made at an award ceremony. HE was never charged/indicted either. For that matter, neither was BILLARY when, during a speech, she revealed the amount of time it takes to launch nukes from the time the order to do so is given.

Given her history with classified info/materials, I'd sure like to know how the devil she could ever pass the background check needed to attain the security clearance required by the President of the United States. Buuuuut, I suppose "the fix" will be in there as well should (God forbid) she be elected.
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Mike and Larry, the best you can do is vote your conscience tomorrow, if you haven't already done so by early ballot. We're a country founded on the rule of the majority, and although I truly believe that should be a majority of votes, the electoral college has "bastardized" the concept of one person/one vote and until we can correct that problem we'll have to live with it.

Bottom line is that whoever the winner is, whether declared or conceded or the result of observation of "hanging chads" (Gee-Dub managed to steal an election that way, IMHO), we're stuck with them for 4 years. It won't be pretty...but I believe if we try we can keep it from being a disaster if we QUIETLY keep the political pressure on the winner.

I'll be casting my ballot tomorrow...sort of like the spectacle of voting on election day. It gives me something to which I can look forward! Whether my candidate wins or loses, we still live in the greatest country in the world and for that I am truly thankful!


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We are absolutely positively not founded on the rule of the majority! I can't emphasize that enough as "rule of the majority" is a common misperception. In fact, the founding fathers were very concerned about the majority forcing it's will on the minority. We are a republic, not technically a democracy. The electoral college is present (as is the senate) to prevent more populous and larger states from imposing their will on smaller or less populous states.

Think of it this way, if we were "majority rule" there would have been no civil rights laws or amendments in the 60's. The majority of the country did not want it. Fortunately, we're a republic and those laws are an example of it working well.

The last 8 years are an example of it working poorly and I don't see that trend changing anytime soon.
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